Hi there, thanks for stopping by! My name is Kristen and I'm 26 year old living in Indianapolis, Indiana. As I'm sitting in my apartment trying to figure out how to describe myself to people I may never meet, I come to answer the question: why am I doing this?

This morning when I woke up, I laid in bed thinking to myself: what's missing? I graduated from Purdue University in May of 2016 with a degree in Public Relations and Strategic Communications. I started a job the day after I graduated and I've been there ever since. I'm going on three years with my boyfriend, Ben, and he is my food and travel companion. It seems like I'm right where I'm supposed to be - on track for a 26 year old female. But I've found that I have a lot of interests around travel, food and exploration.
So I woke up and started this blog. I have a passion for food and travel - and 2018 was the year that I finally got to start intensely experiencing those passions. In less than a year, Ben and I have knocked off: Memphis, TN; New Orleans, LA; Milwaukee, WI; Mackinac Island, MI; Sanibel Island, FL; Charleston, SC; and Ireland. I actually went to New Orleans twice this year, it's easily my favorite city in the United States. I spent about 4 days in each of these locations this year and every time I returned home, I felt refreshed and full of life.
So here I am, starting a food blog. While yes, I'm absolutely behind the curve compared to the thousands of food bloggers out there, I'm really just using this as a way to share and archive my experiences. I could have hundreds of readers or I could have none, and that's fine by me.
If you've read this far, THANK YOU! I hope that you enjoy my content now and throughout the year. I'm looking forward to 2019!